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How to Access Awakened Consciousness Through Meditation [Free eBook]

If you’re anything like me, you’ve likely tried meditation, or even adopted a consistent habit, only to question if you’re doing something wrong. You show up and put in the time, but despite your best efforts, you’re not reaping the expected benefits, or at least not with the consistency you originally hoped to see.

Perhaps you initially turned to meditation for stress-relief, some way to defuse the constant sense of pressure and overwhelm that’s prevalent in our achievement-focused society.

Or maybe you first tried meditation to help you focus and be more present so that your days don’t go by in a blur while you’re busy rehashing the past and worrying about the future.

Both were true for me.

Before I found meditation, I lived my days shuffling through a number of damaging mental habits: dwelling on victim stories, beating myself up for all the ways I felt I’d failed, and pressuring myself to somehow achieve massive success in order to prove my worth.

I was missing out on my life while focusing on all the life I’d already missed and all the life I might miss if I didn’t somehow do better.

I hoped meditation would save me from myself, and in some ways it has. But I’ve also placed unrealistic expectations on my practice and found myself making, what I later learned, are common meditation “mistakes”—mistakes that prevent us from experiencing the greatest benefit of meditation: awakened consciousness.

Spiritual luminary Craig Hamilton explores this thoroughly in Unlocking the Power of Meditation, a FREE eBook that I suspect you’ll find both eye-opening and life-changing.

In a nutshell, awakened consciousness is a sense of connection to our true nature, beyond our mind and ego. It’s the place where we can easily access our intuition, wisdom, creativity, confidence, inner strength, and resilience.

This is what I think we’re all after: not just reduced stress and greater focus in the moment, but access to an expansive, sacred part of ourselves that brings us an immense sense of freedom, flow, and connection to everyone and everything around us.

If you’ve struggled with meditation, as well—if you’ve found it difficult to maintain a regular practice and feel you haven’t experienced all the mental, emotional, and physical benefits you’ve read about—I highly recommend you check out Unlocking the Power of Meditation.

In this powerful resource based on groundbreaking research, Craig reveals the five surprising, yet pervasive mistakes most of us make that prevent us from accessing the true potential of meditation.

He also shares one powerful shift we can make to ignite our meditation practice and access awakened consciousness.

When you learn how to practice what Craig calls “direct awakening” you’ll discover how to:

-Access the miracle of awakened consciousness every time you meditate and allow its powerful energy to infuse every aspect of your life.

-Experience a deep inner freedom from the hypnotic spell of fear and desire, enabling you to meet life’s challenges with courage and grace, beyond reactivity or compulsion.

-Access a source of wisdom that arises spontaneously in response to the needs of the moment, bringing forth laser-like clarity faster than the speed of thought.

-Tap into a dynamic and seemingly limitless source of energy, enabling you to do whatever needs to be done in each moment without burning out or becoming drained.

-Access an inner well of creativity that brings forth a seemingly endless flow of unexpected new ideas, visions, and integrative solutions from a place beyond the mind.

-Become a conduit for an overflowing love and care that flows through you into the world from a place beyond your mind’s comprehension.

It’s a short eBook with a massive impact, and it ends with an invitation to a free ninety-minute workshop that can help you take your meditation practice to the next level.

If you’re ready to move beyond the most common mistakes meditators make and live a life filled with meaning, purpose, love, and inspiration, you can download the free eBook Unlocking the Power of Meditation here.

I hope you find it as helpful and illuminating as I did!

About Lori Deschene

Lori Deschene is the founder of Tiny Buddha. She’s also the author of Tiny Buddha’s Gratitude Journal and other books and co-founder of Recreate Your Life Story, an online course that helps you let go of the past and live a life you love. She recently launched a Mindfulness Kit to help reduce our stress and increase our peace and joy. For daily wisdom, join the Tiny Buddha list here. You can also follow Tiny Buddha on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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